Working with many leading NHS Trusts within the North of England primarily, RMS has helped to deliver an additional 64,000 scans in the last year. Their approach of using existing in house radiology equipment and opening up a department out of hours has enabled their NHS Trust customers to save an estimated £1.7 million, when compared to using costly mobile or modular units.
A CQC Radiology Review (July 2018) found that the use of radiology had grown more than 16% over 5 years, with more than 42 million examinations carried out on NHS patients in England in 2016/17.1 Plain film X-rays make up the majority of activity carried out in radiology departments, with 22.9 million examinations carried out in 2016/17, an increase of 8% over the previous five years.
The processing of plain film xrays can cause serious backlogs in many Trusts. RMS can now offer a plain film xray reporting service to complement their services.
Clinical Director William Bailey commented “We’re pleased to be working with Paul and Mike to provide a plain film reporting service. Many NHS Trusts struggle to quickly report on plain film xrays due to the increasing volume to be reviewed. We’re keen to help Trusts expedite every element of their scanning and reporting service, so that patients can be diagnosed and on their way to treatment much faster.”
Paul Rowe and Mike Mackenzie commented “Our on-site service is a unique solution which is helping many NHS Trusts to reduce their plain film x-ray reporting waiting times. Our culture of work is continuous productivity, supporting the 7-day NHS ethos as endorsed by current government strategies. We have a team of highly experienced staff all with extensive reporting portfolios with multi-site experience. We support onsite staff and are happy to provide teaching and mentoring packages.”
As well as providing plain film reporting services, RMS radiographers will undertake peer review audits with advanced practitioners to practise within stringent clinical governance arrangements.
RMS has a single supplier framework agreement in place to help Trusts quickly access their services. This means that NHS Trusts, and other public bodies, can quickly and efficiently implement an outsourced scanning solution, irrespective of internal NHS staffing issues.
Contact RMS for a free consultation and to find out how they can hep your NHS Trust save money and reduce radiology and reporting waiting times.