NHS Trusts can reduce waiting lists for MR and CT scans by up to 1200 scans per month by using a modular unit on site. Latest data from NHS England shows that the total number of patients waiting six weeks or more from referral for one of the 15 key diagnostic tests at the end of August 2020 was 472,100 (38.0% of the total number of patients waiting). Specifically, at the end of August 2020 there were approximately 199,000 patients waiting for an MRI scan and 148,000 patients waiting for a CT scan.
Clinical Director Bill Bailey commented “Our NHS Trust customers have been thrilled with the ease of installation of the modular units and the quality and size of the interior. As MR and CT waiting lists increase on the back of the covid-19 pandemic, we have been able to very quickly reduce waiting times. The fact that we are able to make the modular a safe space for non-covid patients, away from the main hospital, is also reassuring for patients.”
In a recent audit RMS’s MR facilities and service, anonymous completion of a survey found that 95% of respondents rated RMS staff as excellent at explaining the procedure, and 100% of respondents all felt that the quality of care and overall experience was excellent.
The modular units are in use at Trusts across the Northwest. RMS offer a unique, fully managed staffing solution up to 18 hours a day. Find out more about the RMS modular offering here.