
Our unique staffing and hardware services can be easily procured through NHS frameworks as well as through direct award.

NHS Trusts can easily procure our staffing and hardware services through our partners on the Workforce Alliance and the MECSS frameworks.

These frameworks are designed to reduce costs and increase efficiency by effectively managing capacity using in-house imaging resources and mobile and modular units. This, in turn, helps reduce waiting lists and improve patient pathways.

The Workforce Alliance and MECSS frameworks offer a fully compliant solution, allowing NHS and other public bodies to access RMS services without the need for additional time-consuming and costly procurement processes.

To find out how you can benefit from these frameworkagreements to save time and resource, contact RMS at or call: 0161 410 0169.

Awards and Accreditations

Excellence In Supply Awards

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    The RMS team will respond to your enquiry within 24hrs.