RMS and Scan Assure – your complete diagnostic imaging partner

RMS and Scan Assure have worked together for many years at NHS Trusts across the UK, where their unique ability to deliver a range of radiology services has supported Trusts to deliver a complete medical imaging solution

Diagnostic Imaging for the NHS

Radiology Management Solutions (RMS) and Scan Assure are now working together to deliver the complete range of high-quality, diagnostic imaging and support services for NHS Trusts across the UK.

RMS work with NHS Trusts to maximise underutilised capacity on in-house MRI and CT scanners as well as providing additional staffed solutions to reduce patient waiting times for diagnostic imaging.

Scan Assure are leaders in ultrasound support and complementary imaging services for both NHS Trusts and private individuals across the UK.

Working together for the NHS

At a time when waiting lists in the NHS are at an all-time high and the recruitment of radiographers and sonographers is a challenge for Trusts, Scan Assure and RMS can quickly reduce waiting lists across the entire spectrum of imaging.

Core services are CT, MRI and ultrasound, but the group also offer support services such as patient booking, phlebotomy, plain film, Cardiology, biochemistry and radiology reporting.

RMS Mobile MRI Scanner Modular CT
Mobile MRI Scanner RMS Mobile Modular CT Scan

RMS and Scan Assure at HCSA

RMS and Scan Assure are exhibiting at HCSA – the annual NHS Procurement and supply chain conference.

Visit our team on stand 35 to find out how we can quickly reduce radiology and ultrasound waiting lists for your NHS Truct.

Contact us

    The RMS team will respond to your enquiry within 24hrs.